OSB Community Involvement

OSB Community Involvement

by: Joelle Yarbrough


I thoroughly LOVE being a volunteer. And no, I don’t mean a volunteer as in one from that neighboring state who so loves that dreadful color, orange. That is not in my color wheel. I mean that I am one who was born with a servant heart. Luckily, so many of my co-workers share this character trait with me.


I do not volunteer because I want to receive recognition or get something back in return. I feel strongly about serving the people in my community. I have two young children. I feel it is important for me to set a good example for my children to use their gifts to help their fellow citizens.



Oconee State Bank recently formed culture committees for our employees as our continuing effort to grow and develop our remarkable culture and make sure we live out our vision, mission, and values. I joined the Community Involvement Committee. Our committee’s vision is to add value to and enrich the lives of the communities we serve. We truly want to mark the lives of everyone.   


Oconee State Bank provides so many opportunities to donate our time and our resources. In fact, in 2018, our employees spent 948.50 cumulative hours volunteering with 178 different volunteer opportunities! These sizable numbers speak directly to the extraordinary team we have at Oconee State Bank.


Extra Special People, American Cancer Society, A.C.T.S. Food bank, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Habitat for Humanity, and our local schools are just a few of the organizations that we support.


Getting involved in the community is a great way for our bank to build relationships and make our brand visible. It has been proven that companies that encourage employee involvement in the community stand out among their peers and gain valuable results, such as a happier workforce and a more loyal customer base. This cannot be more true about Oconee State Bank!

We have a close-knit culture at Oconee State Bank. This is, in part, because of our community involvement and the many opportunities we have to interact with one another beyond the workplace where we can see each other in a different light. It has allowed us to build stronger bonds and has created effortless collaboration in the work environment.


Volunteering has a huge economic impact too. Not only do volunteers donate their time so funds are not being used to pay someone to work on a project, but volunteers donate resources so an organization doesn’t have to spend capital to make purchases.


Having volunteers out in our communities gives a human face to our bank. We become part of the fabric of our customers’ lives and really get to know and understand their needs beyond the products and services that we offer.


Imagine if one day all volunteers simply didn’t show up. What would our cities, towns, parks, churches, and libraries look like? What basic needs would go unmet? What opportunities would be lost?


Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” I am truly living the dream when I am doing volunteer work. It makes me feel good about myself and gives my life purpose. I am happiest when I am able to use the talents God has provided me in order to serve others.


How will you make your mark? Look for ways to be involved in your community. I promise you will get so much pleasure out of helping others.

By: Joelle Yarbrough