Coffee & Conversation- An Interview with Joni Taylor and Courtney Kupets Carter

In this week’s edition of Beyond the Cupola we revisit our recent interview with Joni Taylor, head women’s basketball coach at the University of Georgia, and Courtney Kupets Carter, head gymnastics coach at the University of Georgia.

Our interview with Coach Taylor and Coach Carter was packed full of powerful advice on how to transform yourself as a leader and prepared for an ever-changing world. Here are our five biggest takeaways:

1. Have high goals and standards you set for yourself and be clear what they are.

By making clear goals for yourself not only do you establish a clear vision for the future, but you also create a standard for what you need to do to get there. By establishing high goals and standards you make it clear to yourself that you’re willing to put in the extra work to reap the reward.

2. The worst behavior you accept will eventually become your standard

This is true in just about every team or organization. In order to ensure continued support and success within our teams, it is essential to hold one another accountable to maintain the standard set forth within the organization.

3. Being a great leader is built around managing people and communicating effectively.

The relationship you have with your teammates and coworkers is vital in being an effective leader. Be transparent in your communication and work to understand what steps you need to take to lead them well.

4. Always be open to new ideas, but know the right way to implement them.

It’s important to be open to new and innovative ways of doing things. Failure to do so could lead to your organization falling behind in key areas. That being said, it is imperative that you handle new ideas appropriately. Sometimes you implement them right away, but other times it’s better to hold on to them and wait. As a situationally aware leader, it’s important to know when to do what.

5. Know your core values and let them be your compass for the future.

As you launch new ideas take time to ensure they are in line with key company values. These values can help protect you from getting into something that will hurt the company. Simply ask yourself “Does this check out with who we are?” If it does, great! If not, take time to rethink whether or not the idea is worth implementing.



Want to hear more? You can check out the entire interview here