3 Tips to Protect Your Sensitive Data

We live in an ever-changing world. New technologies and platforms come out every day that impact the way we live our lives. But as technology continues to progress so do potential threats to your sensitive data. The ramifications of a data breach can have a serious impact on your family’s well-being. But what can we do to help protect ourselves? In this week’s edition of Beyond the Cupola we cover our top three tips for protecting yourself in our ever-changing world.

1.      Be smart about using public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi is well, public. And likewise, you should treat anything you do on public Wi-Fi the same way. Hackers can have access to any login information you enter while using public Wi-Fi. This includes bank or social media passwords. Think twice before signing on to Public Wi-Fi. If you plan on inputting sensitive information it is best to look for a secure connection instead.

2.      Regularly check your accounts and credit cards at all financial institutions

The best way to prevents serious consequences in the event of a data breach is to stay on top of suspicious charges to your accounts. Timing matters. Acting fast could potentially save you from a huge headache trying to getting everything back to how it was. By staying on top of your accounts, you’re able to know when suspicious activity is occurring and take steps to prevent it.

3.      Place a freeze on your credit with any of the credit reporting agencies you suspect your identity has been compromised

In the event you fear your data has been compromised make sure to notify your credit reporting agencies. A breach could seriously impact your credit score and overall access to credit in the future. This could have serious implications for you and your fame. By taking steps to inform your credit reporting agency you could avoid or minimize potential issues with your future access to credit.

Want to learn more about how you can take steps to stay safe? Click here