Relay For Life- A Fight Against Cancer



Relay For Life- A Fight Against Cancer

by: Cristi Donahue, SVP Director of Retail Banking 


Growing up, I was taught to never say the word “hate,” that we should love all and pray for anyone or anything that makes that a difficult task.  Albeit I know this in my heart, I oftentimes find myself saying, “I hate cancer” and meaning it with a passion so fierce it rocks me to my core.


In order to explain the history behind my feelings towards cancer, I travel back in time forty three years.  When I was born, I was automatically blessed with two amazing parents, three older brothers, two older sisters and a bonus sister, Becky.  Becky married my oldest brother and had already joined the family before I was even a twinkle in my mom’s eye.  At times, Becky was an older sister, sometimes a second mom, and always a best friend.  The day I learned she was diagnosed with Lung Cancer was the day I was truly introduced to what I now consider a formidable foe.  Over the next six years, I watched one of my favorite Shakespearean quotes come to life, “though she be but little, she is fierce!”  Throughout her cancer journey, Becky’s faith never wavered; she continued to extend her servant’s heart to others, which was most obvious in her work with the Relay for Life movement.


Unfortunately, this is not the beginning or end of my cancer story.  I was already mourning the loss of a father-in-law, George, who I never had the opportunity to know and who would never meet my babies, his grandchildren.  Years later, another older sister, Cathy, was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Brain Cancer.  As if this wasn’t enough, a few years later my father-in-law, Mike, also passed away from Glioblastoma Brain Cancer.  Over the years, I have been rendered heartbroken while watching multiple family members and friends fight this deadly disease.  Statistics show that one in every two women and one in every three men will be diagnosed with cancer in the United States.  There are over 328 million people in the United States, so to have lost four of my own family members, and to be touched by cancer through so many of the lives of others around me, simply takes my breath away.


This is still not the end of my cancer story, but I’ve decided that my story will never end until we find a cure.  Although I do hate to watch the havoc cancer wreaks on those who fight this disease and their families, I owe cancer a debt of gratitude for strengthening my faith, helping me love deeper, cherish every moment, and fight harder.  Mahatma Gandhi once said, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” and I believe there is no greater way to service those we love than to join the fight against cancer, which the National Cancer Institute says affects over 12.7 million people each year.


This year, I decided to try on the big shoes Becky left behind and step up to the plate to do my part to eradicate cancer.  I have the distinct honor and privilege to serve on the Oconee County Relay for Life Leadership Team.  In memory of Becky, George, Cathy, Mike and in honor of all the other unsung heroes, I invite you to join me now, and in the months ahead, to prepare for our Relay for Life event on Friday, April 26th.  For more information on how to form a team, sponsor, or donate to this important initiative, please visit the Relay for Life of Oconee County facebook page, or contact me at Oconee State Bank.