8 Tips to Make That Dream Opportunity a Reality

8 Tips to Make That Dream Opportunity a Reality


Whether you are a working professional looking for a new job, an –almost- graduated college senior ready to shimmy into the real world, a high school senior prepping for college interviews, or a teen looking for a part-time job- the journey towards the future can be very scary and overwhelming.


We, at Oconee State Bank, value putting your dreams and passions on the front burner. We want to encourage you to be a confident, motivated, and self-starting individual so you can become a force to be reckoned with! We want you to not only apply to that dream opportunity, but SECURE that dream opportunity.


So, no matter what stage of life you are walking through, or what kind of job or college you are applying for- these tips are for you:


  1. Target your WHAT and WHY

It is so much easier for you if you try your best to narrow down your search field. Decide what you are passionate about. Decide what you are seeking in a job or school. Decide what you think is and is not a good fit based on previous experiences. These types of decisions will help you drain a pool that seems SO huge and will make you feel like a bigger fish!


  1. Perfect your story

You need to perfect YOUR story, but you do NOT need to have the perfect story. Studies show that a good narrative is a huge asset when it comes to grasping and keeping attention. With attention comes retention. The goal is to have them retain your information and remember why you are the perfect candidate.  Telling your story in the perfect way can help with that.


  1. Always apply, despite your “odds”

No one candidate is the same, and most schools or employers don’t have black and white- there are typically LOTS of grey areas. Just because you don’t fit the qualifications to a tee, don’t let that discourage you from applying. You may have other factors that layer over each other to still make you a great candidate. Let the employers be the judge of your qualification- don’t talk yourself out of it.


**speaking of this- OSB and CBA offer a great scholarship… and applications are OPEN!! Read more about it and apply HERE!


  1. Educate YO’ self

Odds are at this point you are already smart and educated and driven, BUT you need to educate yourself before every interview. You will always look like the cream-of-the-crop if you already know a decent amount about the school or company. You should also know enough about the place that you can have a couple questions ready for when the interviewer asks. “Do you have any questions for me?” Because trust me, when they ask… they want questions. It shows you care!


  1. Online applications NEED online efforts

The first step is applying. The next step is making sure you do not fall through the cracks. Doing an online application is obviously mandatory, every applicant will do it. Making a call or sending an email, though, is not. Reaching out ONCE to make a connection and express your desire and qualifications for the position is a great thing to do. But you want to make sure it is an elevator speech of what you have to offer and not a whole TED Talk. You also want to be mindful to not…annoy… them. Follow ups once or twice will generally suffice.


  1. Professionally single and ready to mingle

Network. Network. Network. I have the urge to type this word 37 billion times. Unfortunately, it is not always about your resume and skills, it is often about who you know. And what’s even more important (and terrifying), is that it is about who knows you. You need people to hear of an opening, position, opportunity, scholarship, or anything and think of you. So go to that networking event. Add them on LinkedIn. Email them thanking them for their time and hospitality. Make connections. Keep connections. USE connections.


  1. You are designer brand…

Brand yourself, don’t change yourself. It is important to realize the “brand” that an employer is searching for and re-brand yourself for each opportunity. If you have skills and passion for sales, marketing, and design you would market yourself in three different ways. Your summary would focus on different things. Your cover letter will shift. You skills might need to be adjusted. You are not changing who you are, you are just highlighting the most important skills and experience most applicable to each individual opportunity.


  1. Be a Super Star!!!!

No matter what you are doing right now, high school, college, or job…STAND OUT. Make yourself and the excellent work you do known. You want people to value you and realize the importance of what you do for your company or for your education. This will help with references, and will also give you tangible evidence to support your resume.


You have so much potential, and so many things going for you. Define your passion and goals. Hunt for that dream opportunity, then go get it- because only you can do that for yourself. Ride through this new journey with confidence, enthusiasm, ambition, determination, and joy and you will NOT fail. We believe in you. You should believe in you too.


Make a big cup of coffee and start grinding. All your dreams are at the tips of your fingertips. YOUR FUTURE STARTS NOW!!!


Always our BEST,