Why Local Banks Matter in Times of Crisis

In tough times, it’s nice to know someone has your back. In recognition of Community Banking Month, here are 4 big advantages to banking locally in times of crisis.

Local bankers provide helpful guidance

When new rules and regulations seem to shift by the hour, you want a bank that can walk you through the changes and set your business up for success. We’re committed to giving guidance to those in our community to provide clarity in times of confusion and leave you feeling confident in your next steps.

Local banks move quickly to get you the help you need

In a crisis, timing is everything. Sometimes getting approved for a loan in a timely manner can make the difference between staying in business or not. We make our loan decision locally, meaning you won’t have to wait for your application to be approved by some intermediary in New York. You get answers quickly to provide your business with the best possible support.

Local banks care about you beyond the bottom line.

Ask yourself this question: if there were no financial implications, would your bank genuinely care if your company were to cease to exist. If that answer is no, you need a new bank. At Oconee State Bank, we wholeheartedly stand behind local businesses. We eat at your restaurants. We shop at your stores. We use your services. Our lenders are your neighbors, community members, and friends. We care about your business and want to give you the tools you need to succeed. 

Local banks create jobs in the community

Every time you choose Oconee State Bank you are choosing to support dozens of employees that live and work within your own community. These people are your neighbors, friends, and family. By partnering with us, you are choosing to work alongside these remarkable community members that you know and can trust.