Right at Home – I Love My Bank!

OSB Veteran, Sandi Riddling, reflects on her more than 25 years of service at Oconee State Bank and shares why she loves her bank!

I started working at Oconee State Bank at the ripe ol age of 19 years and 1 day.  I remember interviewing with Peggy Hardigree and Bobbie Hansford.  I instantly knew I was in the presence of some of the greatest women in business. They were exceptional, professional, and made me feel right at home.  Without hesitation, they took a chance on a young girl with big dreams, sitting before them in a Domino’s Pizza uniform.

I have such tremendous gratitude in having the opportunity to serve the community I love, to have a career that I enjoy with people that have become a second family to me, to raise my children here, to be close to my family and church, and be surrounded by a community of friends.

I’ve been blessed to work alongside some of the most amazing individuals that I’ve ever had the pleasure of crossing paths with. There are truly too many to name, but you know who you are. Some are still working alongside me, some have retired, some left to pursue other paths, and some have gone home to be with Jesus.  Each and every one marking my life in such a profound way, which has kept me on this journey 25 years later.

I knew then and still today that serving this community was my heart’s desire. Giving back to a community that raised me, poured into me, supported me, loved on me, and helped sculpt me into the woman I am today.

I pray that I have, I am, and will continue to help build a firm foundation for OSB, just as those before me.

What has kept me on this journey for the last 25 years?  It is hands down, the people!

Sandi Riddling

AVP | Loan Operations