OSB is Family – I Love My Bank!

OSB Veteran, Marisa Reynolds, reflects on her more than 25 years of service at Oconee State Bank and shares why she loves her bank!

I can vividly remember my first day at Oconee State Bank on June 29th, 1995. The Main Office location was hosting a “Breakfast with the President” with all team members of the bank. It was not long before I was engaged in friendly conversation along with a genuine welcome by everyone at the meeting. The atmosphere in the room mirrored a warm family gathering rather than a business meeting. To be honest, that first family impression not only gave me a glimpse of the heart of the team members, but the true foundation of Oconee State Bank.

There are many varied definitions of family. To some, the meaning of family means a group of individuals related by blood or origin. That is the technical definition, but the core of family is stability, love, trust, compassion, and support. All of those traits are key culture values with my relationships at Oconee State Bank. Over the years, bonds have been created and strengthened, while friendships were deepened socially, mentally and emotionally. That is why, without a doubt, I know I am blessed with extended family and not just working relationships, defining what the true meaning of a “banking family” means to me.

There are so many other reasons why I love Oconee State Bank ranging from the intellectual stimulation, relevance to business, constant change, community involvement, and competitive environment. I could deep dive into those categories all day long. But the memory of my very first morning I stepped into the walls of Oconee State Bank are what grabs my heart and my love for the bank. With that final thought, there is no doubt my “banking family” is what I truly love about Oconee State Bank and what has grounded me in my twenty five years of service.

Thank you for always loving me!

Marisa M. Reynolds
SVP | Digital Transformation & Information Technology