Leaving a Positive Wake

OSB’s own, Cristi Donahue – EVP Chief Retail Officer, reflects on her recent feature in the Oconee Enterprise, where she’s recognized as a local trailblazer as part of a Women’s History Month commemoration.

I was so very humbled to be asked to be featured in this article for Women’s History Month.  The one thing I hope the article conveys to my daughter, and all the amazing girls and women around us, is that serving others is not a sign of submission, it is the greatest display of faith, love, grace, and mercy one can offer.

Success can be defined in a million ways, but the one definition that really, truly counts is leaving a positive wake in someone else’s life – in that moment you learn who you are and find your “why.”  Gandhi said it best, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others.”

My dad always taught me that no one achieves success on their own, there is always someone there to open a door for them.  He encouraged me to thank the people that opened doors in my life, and to be that essential person for others by reaching back to grab the hand of someone coming behind me.

I am eternally grateful to all who have served as role models for me, who have seen potential in me that I didn’t, and who have challenged me to bring my best self to the table.  This recognition really belongs to them, and I send up extra special prayers of thanks for each of them daily.


Cristi Donahue
EVP | Chief Retail Officer