Exploring Oconee: The Story of Rose Hill

Deep in the heart of Oconee County you’ll find a home unlike any other. Its unique shape serves as a subtle reminder of its days spent, not as a house, but rather an old school for the children of Oconee County. If you had never heard of the building, you would never know it was there. The structure lies hidden by trees, just off of Highway 15 near Hot Thomas Barbecue.

The building was first constructed in 1919. It was known as the Rose Hill School. The building had no bathrooms, no running water, and only two rooms on the main floor. The school building was used until 1942, when the school system was restructured and the Rose Hill School was no longer needed.

Not wanting the building to go to waste, the residents of Oconee County turned the property into a community center. A bathroom was added. The main floor was opened up, leaving just one large room on the main floor. They even added a barbecue pit. Many in the community felt like the building looked too much like a church, and so the delicate white exterior was covered with red paint.

By the 1950’s local churches had begun opening up their own community centers, and it became clear there was no longer a need to operate the Rose Hill Community Center.

The property was then sold and converted to Rose Hill Hunt Club, a haven for those in Oconee County looking for a good place to hunt. The hunting lodge remained in some form or fashion until 1983, when it was purchased by Ben Cook, a property flipper.

Cook saw the building’s potential and went to work recrafting the historic structure. He removed the ceilings, opening up the rooms. He added new windows and a new roof. He even updated he plumbing. The house was then sold.

The building still stands proudly today. It has changed hands a few times over the years, shifting from one homeowner to another.


Want to learn more about the Rose Hill school? Check out this awesome article by Wayne Ford.