Blessed With the Best – I Love My Bank!

OSB Veteran, Lottie Davenport, reflects on her more than 33 years of service at Oconee State Bank and shares why she loves her bank!


One of the greatest joys in my life has been that of finding my passion and serving others.  Working at Oconee State Bank continues to afford me the opportunity to do both.  It is so interesting how life unfolds.  I always wanted to work at Oconee State Bank and I thank God that in August of 1987 I was given the opportunity to become a part of the Oconee State Bank Family.

Through the years I have interacted with some amazing customers who have become more like family than simply customers.  I enjoy listening to them as they share their stories about their children and grandchildren.

Furthermore, at Oconee State Bank I have had the opportunity to work with some wonderful people who later sought other employment opportunities.  When I reflect on their roles while they worked here, I have great memories to cherish.

Needless to say, I love what I do and I love My Oconee State Bank family.  Working with an amazing team of people in a great community is a blessing and honor.   Each day is an opportunity to embrace life, render service to others, and to be grateful.

Finally, as I continue to be a part of the Oconee State Bank family, I do so knowing that God orders my steps and brings remarkable people across my path.  I am blessed to do what I do with a smile and kind words.

Lottie Davenport
Senior Personal Banker